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Treasure Wild Ducks

Treasure Wild Ducks

Treasure Wild Ducks I learned the concept of Wild Ducks on IBM. I was on a team where it didn’t feel it was applied by the local management (actually it was the other way around), but it was encouraged by the worldwide leaders. The concept is very simple, and was explained with a video. If you feed a wild duck (regularly), -and it leaves the flock- it becomes domestic. A wild duck is a person with unconventional ideas, someone who challengue the status quo.

Why is this blog written in english?

Why is this blog written in english?

Because I don’t have a spanish keyboard. When I was hired I was given with a latin american keyboard, but after I moved to USA my computer (with Windows 10) started to use the hard disk a lot, some days for 99% of the capacity for hours. My guess is that was swaping, but disabling/tweaking the some Windows settings didn’t fix the issue. So instead of spend more time troubleshooting, I got a new computer, HP again with Windows 10, more RAM, better processor but with an us-english keyboard.

How did I get a TN visa

How did I get a TN visa

Get TN visa for me was as easy as a tourist VISA. O maybe easiest. I was a little anxious, even if my friends told me to not be. Is not that I really need to have the VISA, Guadalajara is a place with many open positions, but paperwork always put me anxious. Another event happened, at the time of writing we know that Mr. Trump it’s the elect president of the United States of America, one of the many campaign promises includes the renegotiation of the NAFTA (TLC on Mexico), which includes the TN visa.

Power of representation people that died in my neighborhood, friends. Miguel Icazxa. Mono Book. Kid with hoodie.