A Guide to Implementing ActivityPub in a Static Site (or Any Website) - Part 7
You can find the index and other parts of this series here. We are almost done! Thank you for coming all the way into this journey. In this part we will learn how to broadcast (aka federate) your site posts to your folowers. Overview The federation of your posts (aka. sending your posts to live infitely in the fediverse) is pretty straighforward: sequenceDiagram BroadcastTool-Storage: Retrieve followers (actor uris) BroadcastTool-Follower-instance: Get actor info (including inbox uri) BroadcastTool-Filesystem: Get note json (post) BroadcastTool-Follower-inbox: Send a create action (wrapper of note) In a few words, you will iterate your list of followers, get their inbox url, and send a request to such url to create an fediverse object (note, article, etc.