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Embracing Accents: Celebrating Diversity in Language and Culture

Embracing Accents: Celebrating Diversity in Language and Culture

Six years ago, I embarked on a journey to the United States, five years ago, I made a conscious decision to stop worrying about my English accent. In this time, I’ve come to realize the profound privilege of working in an industry, within a specific region, and alongside a team where I’ve never felt discriminated against. However, I’m not naive, neither oblivious to the challenges that still lie ahead as I continue to advance in my career.

Balancing Act: Navigating Personal and Professional Worlds

Balancing Act: Navigating Personal and Professional Worlds

I’m currently aboard an airplane with my heart soaring. It’s been a challenging Sunday as I embark on a 15+ hour work-related journey that will keep me away for a week. My child is back at home, perhaps getting ready for school right now. I’m just one of the countless individuals who find themselves in a similar situation, obliged to leave personal matters behind as they head to work. In my country, there’s a saying that encapsulates this approach: “de la puerta para adentro, solo negocios,” which roughly translates to “from the doorstep inward, it’s all business.