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Embracing Accents: Celebrating Diversity in Language and Culture

Embracing Accents: Celebrating Diversity in Language and Culture

Six years ago, I embarked on a journey to the United States, five years ago, I made a conscious decision to stop worrying about my English accent. In this time, I’ve come to realize the profound privilege of working in an industry, within a specific region, and alongside a team where I’ve never felt discriminated against. However, I’m not naive, neither oblivious to the challenges that still lie ahead as I continue to advance in my career.

Balancing Act: Navigating Personal and Professional Worlds

Balancing Act: Navigating Personal and Professional Worlds

I’m currently aboard an airplane with my heart soaring. It’s been a challenging Sunday as I embark on a 15+ hour work-related journey that will keep me away for a week. My child is back at home, perhaps getting ready for school right now. I’m just one of the countless individuals who find themselves in a similar situation, obliged to leave personal matters behind as they head to work. In my country, there’s a saying that encapsulates this approach: “de la puerta para adentro, solo negocios,” which roughly translates to “from the doorstep inward, it’s all business.

Why Microsoft

Why Microsoft

This was me over 15 years ago, enjoying lunch with a Caguama-sized beer in front of my parents' house in Puerto Vallarta, eagerly awaiting the start of the Free Software Festival. It was an incredible symposium, featuring prominent figures like maddog and Richard Stallman giving keynote speeches. The Mexican open-source community was tightly-knit; everyone knew each other. At that time, I had already given some local talks and organized events through local Linux User Groups.

Rekindling the Fire: My Journey Through Microsoft's 2023 Global Hackathon

Rekindling the Fire: My Journey Through Microsoft's 2023 Global Hackathon

Rediscovering Passion, Collaboration, and the Power of Music Last week marked the kickoff of the 2023 global hackathon at Microsoft, and let me tell you, it wasn’t my first rodeo. Back in 2021, we clinched the top spot in a category, and my name found a cozy spot on a glass panel somewhere in the hallowed halls of Microsoft HQ. But this time around, there was something undeniably different in the air.