I’m currently aboard an airplane with my heart soaring.

This was the plane, flying over Switzerland

It’s been a challenging Sunday as I embark on a 15+ hour work-related journey that will keep me away for a week. My child is back at home, perhaps getting ready for school right now. I’m just one of the countless individuals who find themselves in a similar situation, obliged to leave personal matters behind as they head to work.

In my country, there’s a saying that encapsulates this approach: “de la puerta para adentro, solo negocios,” which roughly translates to “from the doorstep inward, it’s all business.” Supposedly, the idea is to transform yourself, leaving behind your personal concerns and adopting a professional demeanor, almost to the point of being unfeeling and detached. While some may possess the ability to achieve this seamlessly, for most of us, it’s an art of pretense and facade. Striking the right balance between maintaining professionalism and avoiding insensitivity is a delicate task.

I learned this art from a young age, thanks to my mother who was not only my second-grade elementary teacher but also my mentor in this regard. She instilled in me the notion that “from the moment you step inside the classroom, I’m no longer your mother but your teacher.” Looking back, I now understand that this was perhaps more challenging for her than it was for me. She had to navigate the fine line between treating me like any other student, preventing favoritism, and ensuring that I didn’t feel singled out for getting things right.

I’m deeply inspired by those mothers who travel across the world, leaving their children behind for the sake of their careers. It could be an ailing parent, a partner, or even a beloved pet. I’ve witnessed the anxiety that accompanies leaving a cherished pet at home, and yet, within our industry, such decisions are often met with disapproval.

I count myself fortunate to work for Microsoft, where I’ve been taught a different perspective. The notion that you should become a completely different person the moment you cross the workplace threshold is, quite frankly, absurd. All the strengths and weaknesses, the inspiration, and the burdens from home don’t magically vanish when you enter the office. It’s imperative that we become more attuned to this reality while also leveraging it to our advantage; after all, diversity and inclusion entail embracing these differences.

Whether you’re scheduling a meeting, requesting a tight deadline with overnight work, or asking employees to work on weekends, it’s essential to consider the broader context. When you have that extra-long meeting maybe just add enough breaks so nursing moms can check their babies.It’s crucial to ensure everyone can maintain their well-being. There’s a wealth of potential for us to improve productivity and much more by acknowledging the complexities of our lives outside of work.

We do not thrive by ignoring the intricacies of our lives outside of work; we thrive by embracing them. It’s in this blend that we can truly achieve greatness, both as individuals and as a collective force driving progress.

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